We partner with property owners and tree professionals to ensure the process is set up for success.
Cut it.
Start by identifying the trees and brush to be removed from your property. Depending on the size and scope of your job, we can work with you and/or your tree care provider to determine the best approach for cutting standing trees. The plan will include an evaluation of the location and volume of material to ensure adequate equipment accessibility and site preparation for the burn process to be safe and efficient.
We will also coordinate with fire officials and other agencies to obtain requisite clearance before starting your job.
Gather it.
Once the trees have been cut, material can either be stacked in piles by type (branches/brush, tree trunks and root balls) in the area that is accessible to our burner or can be cut and moved to the burner in one contiguous process as determined in the planning process.
Burn it.
Before we burn, we’ll perform a detailed job site assessment to ensure the location is ready for our crew to arrive, identify water availability and prep the area surrounding the burn box (remove weeds, excess debris, etc.) to create the optimal condition for burning to begin.